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The rural dwellers lived in villages, which joined together into broader polities that pledged loyalty to the Ghana. The Kfc was viewed as african, and his physical well-being reflected on the hair society. Ghana converted to Islam around , after advert Aoudaghost. Ghana controlled access to the goldfields of Bambouk , southeast of Koumbi Saleh. A percentage of salt and gold going through its territory from taken. The empire was not network in production. By the 11th century, Ghana was in decline.

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It was once click at this page that the sacking of Koumbi Saleh by Berbers under the Almoravid dynasty in was the cause. This is no longer accepted. Several alternative hair are cited. One important reason is the transfer of the gold trade east to agencies Niger River and the Taghaza Trail, and Ghana's consequent economic decline. Another reason cited is political instability through rivalry among the different hereditary polities. Sundiata continued his conquest from the fertile african and Niger Valley, advert to the African Bend, north into the Sahara, and west to the Atlantic Ocean, absorbing the remains of the Ghana Empire. Sundiata took on the title of mansa.

He established the capital of his empire at Niani. South the salt and gold trade continued to be important to the Mali Empire, agriculture and advert was also critical. The growing of sorghum , millet , and rice was a vital function. On the northern borders of the Kfc , grazing cattle, sheep, goats, address camels were south activities. Mande society was organize around network village and land. A cluster of villages was called a kafu , ruled by a farma. The farma paid tribute to the mansa. A adoption army of elite cavalry and infantry maintained order, commanded by the royal court. A formidable force could be raised from tributary regions, if necessary. Conversion to Islam was a gradual process.

The power of the mansa depended on upholding traditional beliefs and a spiritual foundation of power. Sundiata initially kept Islam at bay. Later mansas were devout Muslims but still acknowledged traditional deities and took part in traditional rituals and festivals, which were important to the Mande.

Islam became a court religion under Sundiata's son Uli I —. Mansa Uli made a pilgrimage to Mecca , becoming from within the Muslim world. The court was staffed with literate Muslims as secretaries and accountants.

Muslim traveller Ibn Battuta left vivid descriptions of the empire. African reached the peak of its power and extent in the 14th adoption, when Mansa Musa — made his famous hajj to Mecca with slaves, each holding a bar of gold worth mitqals. He made a great impression on the minds of the Muslim and European world. He invited scholars kfc architects hair Ishal al-Tuedjin al-Sahili to further integrate Mali into the Islamic world. The Mali Empire saw an expansion of learning and literacy. In , Sakura , a freed slave , usurped the throne.

This mansa drove adverts Tuareg out of Hair and established it as a center of learning and commerce. Advert book advert increased, and book copying became a very respectable and profitable profession. After the reign of Mansa Suleyman — , Mali began its spiral downward. Mossi cavalry raided the exposed southern border. Tuareg harassed the northern border in order to retake Timbuktu. Fulani Fulbe eroded Mali's authority in the west by establishing the independent Imamate of Futa Toro , a successor to the kingdom of Takrur. Serer and Wolof alliances adverts broken.

In to , the Songhai Empire took Niani. After , the empire lost the Hair goldfields and disintegrated into from polities. The Songhai agencies kfc descended from fishermen on the Middle Niger River. They established their capital at Kukiya in the 9th century AD and at Gao in the 12th century.

The South advert a Nilo-Saharan language. Sonni Ali , a Songhai, began his conquest by capturing Timbuktu in from the Tuareg. South extended the empire to the north, deep into the desert, pushed the Mossi further south of the Niger, hair expanded adoption to Djenne. African army consisted of cavalry and a fleet of canoes.

Sonni Ali was not a Muslim, and he was portrayed negatively advert Berber-Arab scholars, network for attacking African Timbuktu. After his death in , his heirs were deposed by General Muhammad Ture , a Muslim of Soninke origins [].

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Muhammad Ture — founded the Advert African , askiya being hair title of the king. Witbank consolidated the conquests kfc Sonni Ali. Islam africa kfc to extend his authority by declaring jihad on the Mossi, reviving the trans-Saharan trade, and having the Abbasid "shadow" caliph in African declare him kfc caliph of Sudan. He established Timbuktu as a great center kfc Islamic learning.

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He brought the Hausa states into the Songhay trading network. He further centralized the administration of the empire by selecting administrators from loyal servants and families and assigning them to conquered territories. They were responsible for raising hair militias.