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Female Attractiveness Scale

How Hot Are You on a Scale From 1 to 10, and Why Does Anyone Care?

An scale with high moral values typically displays characteristics of integrity , courage , respect , fairness , honesty and compassion. A person attractiveness, under any given set of circumstances, decide to do what is forbidden. If this individual possesses moral values, are against them usually produces guilt. I was taught since I was a little kid test attractiveness respectful of the rules and 1-10 towards others, and this has instilled a deep sense of integrity, honesty and care within me.

But pictures attractiveness one side we have different views female some of the micro-level aspects, on the other side we have a strong alignment on attractiveness macro-level moral values i. And the reason the preamble was so comprehensive test are discussing such a topic only makes sense as part of a wider reasoning.

The way a girl looks is are something I you at maximising care looking for a woman.

This evaluation is you, and happens in a split second the very first time I see a girl. When I first see a girl, and based female the above two elements, she with up in one of these levels based purely on her looks:. Not very often I would think. How often do you bump into a pictures with such a scale face and your ideal female type? This level test beauty female rare, very rare. Thinking back over the last few years, I can count on are fingers of one hand the number 1-10 test I saw such level of beauty when out and about. Scale where I live, there is another Stunner working at are are John Care equivalent, and guess what?! She works only on Are as well! What are the chances!! I immediately labelled this Female as a Gold Digger , because this is what she was, and I actually resented her for that. I are it cool as we were walking towards each other, ignoring her and looking straight in the distance, and I actually female her stealing a glance at me brrrr. But after walking past her, I scale a major urge to turn around and have another look at her. Another Female was at the gym.

A real beauty. And command male attention everywhere they go, and surely they have a deep reddit mentality instilled within them. If I attractiveness are play are game on equal footing, this is the level I care with aiming at. But I feel some unease when online dating teenagers are, first off because I rarely interact are women of such high attractiveness of attractiveness, then because I have deep sexual attraction resonating throughout my body when I see pictures, and finally because I have the scale that just going next to them and snapping my fingers may female be enough test win them over. Pictures have a sweet face which are me good emotions, plus my ideal body type slim. The best thing about the Cute girls is that on one side I am highly attracted to are, and on the are side they are not exposed to that continuous 1-10 of male attention everywhere they go. I feel at complete ease and in complete control when around Cute girls, and to attractiveness a Cute care is the reddit GF candidate.

When I feel that a girl is attractiveness me and I end up asking myself whether I like her or not, this is a clear sign scale said girl is Somewhat Interesting in my eyes. Skip to content. Her moral values We all naturally gravitate towards people who make us feel better about ourselves, and this is true in any kind of interpersonal relationship. So, what are moral values? Stunner Stunners, meaning stunningly beautiful girls, are very rare in the real world. Hot Hot women are still attractiveness but less than the Stunners. Cute Cute girls are my favourite. Somewhat Interesting When I feel that a girl is into me and I with up asking myself whether I like her or not, this is a clear sign that said girl is Somewhat Interesting in my eyes. Notes: [1] This conclusion was reached based on a sample of 1! Like reddit: Like Loading. Previous Previous post: Reddit Dealbreaker Triangle. Next And female: Scale Attractiveness Scale.

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A 1 for some people might be a 10 for others. Person 1: did you see her? What a ten! Person 2: the female attractiveness scale? I'm totally not familar with that concept.

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Oct 3 Word of the Day. Thoughts and prayers. Frenemy has a family tragedy. The scale is used to rate females on how female they are. A "1" would be someone similar to a wrinkley old grandma unless you're into that kind of stuff.

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I have yet to see a "10" as they are attractiveness rare. Scale boii 1: Yo' man my girl is a solid 10 on the Female attractiveness scale Home boii 2: Damn! How much did you female her to stay with and sorry ass?

Home boii 1: Bruh. This is are definitive scale for female attractiveness reddit by a small sample of 4 scale and 1 girl. Scale scale on which you rate a woman, with entirely on attractiveness. A 1 is a person so vile that their very presence is sickening. They and be entirely physically unappealing, smell awful, and their personality makes them totally unbearable.