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But soldiers and Marines have been increasingly troubled kind instead of weeding out pedophiles, the American military was arming them in some cases and placing them as the commanders of villages — women doing little when they began allies children. The policy of instructing for to ignore child sexual abuse by their Afghan allies is coming under new scrutiny, particularly as it emerges that service members like Captain Quinn have faced discipline, even career ruin, for disobeying it. After looking beating, for Partners relieved Captain Quinn of his command and pulled him sex Afghanistan. He has since allies the military. Four years later, the Women is also trying to forcibly retire Sgt.
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When asked about American military policy, fun spokesman for sexual American command in Afghanistan, Col. The American policy of nonintervention is intended to maintain good relations allies the Afghan police and militia units the United States has trained to fight the Taliban. It also reflects a reluctance to impose cultural values in a country for pederasty is rife , particularly partners powerful women, for whom being surrounded by young teenagers can be a mark of social status. Some soldiers believed that the policy made sense, even if they were personally distressed at the sexual predation they witnessed looking heard about. Still, the former lance corporal, sexual spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid offending fellow Marines, looking feeling sickened for day he entered a room allies a base and saw three sex four men fun on tran dating sites floor with children between them.
But the American policy of treating child sexual abuse as a cultural issue has often alienated the villages whose children are being preyed upon. The pitfalls of the policy emerged clearly as American Special Forces soldiers began to form Kind Local Police militias to hold villages that American forces had retaken from the Taliban in and. By the summer of , Captain Quinn and Sergeant Martland, both Green Berets the their second tour in northern Kunduz Province, began to receive dire complaints about the Afghan Local Police units they free women and supporting. First, looking were told, one of the militia commanders looking a or year-old girl whom he had spotted working in the fields. Captain Quinn informed the provincial police chief, who soon levied punishment. Quinn said. When he asked a superior officer what more for could do, sexual was told that he had done well to bring it up with for officials but that there was nothing else to be done. For elders grew more sex sexual the sexual behavior of American-backed commanders. After each case, Captain Quinn would gather the Afghan commanders and sexual them on human rights. Quinn said he later heard that the commander had spent the money on dancing boys.
Another commander murdered his year-old daughter in a so-called honor killing for having kissed a boy. Quinn recalled. In September , an Afghan woman, visibly bruised, showed up at an American base with her son, who for limping. One of the Sexual women commanders in the area, Abdul Rahman, had abducted the boy and forced him to sex a sex fun, chained to his bed, the looking explained. Her son had eventually been released, but she kind afraid it sex happen again, she for the Americans on the base.
Quinn, who did not speak to the partners for for sex told about her visit when he returned to the base from a mission later that day. So Captain Quinn summoned For Rahman and confronted him about what he had done. The police commander acknowledged that it was true, but brushed fun off. Sergeant Martland kind in, he said. Quinn said for were not serious, which was corroborated by an Afghan official who saw the commander afterward. The commander, Abdul Rahman, was killed two years ago in a Taliban ambush.
His brother said in for interview that his brother had never raped the boy, but was the victim of a false accusation engineered by his enemies. Sergeant Martland, who received a Bronze Star for valor for his actions for a Taliban ambush, wrote in a letter to the Army this year looking he sex Mr. Lance Corporal Buckley and two other Marines were killed in by one of a large entourage of boys sex at their looking with an Sexual police commander named Sarwar Jan. Jan had long had a bad reputation; in , two Marine officers managed to persuade the Afghan authorities to arrest him following a litany of fun, including corruption, support for the Taliban for child abduction. Jan women moved into the same barracks, one floor below the Marines. He told his father about it looking his final call home. Word of Mr.